Manage users and groups

Context: RHCE certification command examples.

Manage users and groups

To manage users and groups in a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) environment, you can use various commands. Here are some examples:

  1. Creating and managing users:

    • useradd: Used to create a new user account. Example: useradd john
    • passwd: Sets or changes the password for a user account. Example: passwd john
    • usermod: Modifies user account attributes. Example: usermod -aG wheel john (Adds user 'john' to the 'wheel' group)
  2. Creating and managing groups:

    • groupadd: Creates a new group. Example: groupadd developers
    • groupmod: Modifies group attributes. Example: groupmod -n newgroup oldgroup (Renames the group 'oldgroup' to 'newgroup')
    • gpasswd: Manages group password files. Example: gpasswd -a john developers (Adds user 'john' to the 'developers' group)
  3. User and group information:

    • id: Displays user and group information. Example: id john (Displays information about the user 'john')
    • groups: Lists groups a user belongs to. Example: groups john (Lists the groups that user 'john' is a member of)
    • getent: Retrieves entries from the Name Service Switch (NSS) databases, including users and groups. Example: getent group developers (Retrieves information about the 'developers' group)
  4. Removing users and groups:

    • userdel: Deletes a user account. Example: userdel john
    • groupdel: Deletes a group. Example: groupdel developers

These are just a few examples of the commands used to manage users and groups in a RHCE environment. Remember to refer to the official documentation and man pages for more detailed information about each command and its available options.

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