Manage Virtual Machines (libvirt)

Linus has finally been converted from Windows over to Linux by one of his employees at Linus Media Group. Linus decides to build a RHEL Server and start studying for his LFCS exam.

  • His RHEL Server: Linux_Media_Group_RHEL_Server_1
  • His username: linus.sebastian
  • His professional standard: smart RHEL Sysadmins NEVER run commands as the root user
  • His LFCS objective: Manage Virtual Machines (libvirt)

Please generate and explain all of the commands that Linus needs to master to master this LFCS objective. Please give command examples similar to what Linus would have to run in the real world.

Certainly! Here are some commands that Linus needs to master in order to manage virtual machines using libvirt in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) environment. These commands will help Linus achieve his LFCS objective and effectively manage virtual machines on his RHEL server:

  1. Installing and Configuring libvirt:

    • sudo dnf install libvirt: Installs the libvirt package on the RHEL server.
    • sudo systemctl enable --now libvirtd: Enables and starts the libvirtd service to manage virtualization.
  2. Creating a Virtual Machine:

    • virt-install: Creates a new virtual machine. For example:
    • sudo virt-install --name myvm --memory 2048 --vcpus 2 --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/myvm.qcow2,size=20 --os-variant rhel8 --network network=default --graphics none --console pty,target_type=serial
    • This command creates a virtual machine named "myvm" with 2GB of memory, 2 virtual CPUs, a 20GB virtual disk, using the RHEL 8 variant, connected to the default network, with no graphical output, and console output via a serial port.
    1. Managing Virtual Machines:

      • virsh list --all: Lists all virtual machines, both running and inactive.
      • virsh start <vm-name>: Starts a specific virtual machine.
      • virsh shutdown <vm-name>: Shuts down a specific virtual machine.
      • virsh destroy <vm-name>: Forces an immediate shutdown of a specific virtual machine.
      • virsh autostart <vm-name>: Sets a virtual machine to start automatically when the host boots.
      • virsh undefine <vm-name>: Removes a specific virtual machine from the libvirt configuration.
    2. Viewing Virtual Machine Information:

      • virsh dominfo <vm-name>: Displays information about a specific virtual machine.
      • virsh domstate <vm-name>: Shows the power state of a specific virtual machine.
      • virsh vcpuinfo <vm-name>: Provides information about the virtual CPUs of a specific virtual machine.
      • virsh domiflist <vm-name>: Lists the network interfaces of a specific virtual machine.
    3. Managing Virtual Machines:

        • virsh list --all: Lists all virtual machines, both running and inactive.
        • virsh start <vm-name>: Starts a specific virtual machine.
        • virsh shutdown <vm-name>: Shuts down a specific virtual machine.
        • virsh destroy <vm-name>: Forces an immediate shutdown of a specific virtual machine.
        • virsh autostart <vm-name>: Sets a virtual machine to start automatically when the host boots.
        • virsh undefine <vm-name>: Removes a specific virtual machine from the libvirt configuration.
    4. Viewing Virtual Machine Information:

      • virsh dominfo <vm-name>: Displays information about a specific virtual machine.
      • virsh domstate <vm-name>: Shows the power state of a specific virtual machine.
      • virsh vcpuinfo <vm-name>: Provides information about the virtual CPUs of a specific virtual machine.
      • virsh domiflist <vm-name>: Lists the network interfaces of a specific virtual machine.
    5. Managing Virtual Machine Resources:

      • virsh setmem <vm-name> <amount>: Modifies the memory allocation for a specific virtual machine.
      • virsh setvcpus <vm-name> <count>: Modifies the number of virtual CPUs for a specific virtual machine.
      • virsh attach-disk <vm-name> <disk-file> <disk-target>: Attaches a disk to a specific virtual machine.
      • virsh detach-disk <vm-name> <disk-target>: Detaches a disk from a specific virtual machine. 

Remember, Linus should always execute these commands using sudo or as a non-root user with appropriate privileges. It's important to consult the documentation and understand the specific requirements and options for each command to effectively manage virtual machines with libvirt in a real-world scenario. Good luck to Linus on his journey to becoming an LFCS-certified RHEL Sysadmin!

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