tar flags

Rene McLean is a RHEL Sysadmin at Red Hat. He has to teach a class on all of the tar flags that Red Hat Engineers will most likely see in their day-to-day jobs. What will Rene teach them? Please explain each flag, and give sample commands showing the usage of each flag.

Certainly! Here are several tar flags that Rene McLean can teach the Red Hat Engineers, along with explanations and sample commands showcasing the usage of each flag:

  1. -c (Create):

    • This flag is used to create a new archive.
    • Example: tar -cvf archive.tar file1 file2 file3
  2. -x (Extract):

    • This flag is used to extract the contents of an archive.
    • Example: tar -xvf archive.tar
  3. -t (List):

    • This flag is used to list the contents of an archive without extracting them.
    • Example: tar -tvf archive.tar
  4. -r (Append/Update):

    • This flag is used to append or update files to an existing archive.
    • Example: tar -rvf archive.tar additional_file
  5. -u (Update if Newer):

    • This flag is used to update files in the archive only if they are newer than the corresponding files on disk.
    • Example: tar -uvf archive.tar updated_file
  6. -f (File):

    • This flag is used to specify the name of the archive file.
    • Example: tar -cvf archive.tar file1 file2 file3
  7. -z (Gzip Compression):

    • This flag is used to compress or decompress the archive using gzip.
    • Example: tar -czvf archive.tar.gz directory
  8. -j (Bzip2 Compression):

    • This flag is used to compress or decompress the archive using bzip2.
    • Example: tar -cjvf archive.tar.bz2 directory
  9. --exclude (Exclude Files/Directories):

    • This flag is used to exclude specific files or directories from the archive.
    • Example: tar -cvf archive.tar --exclude=directory_to_exclude file1 file2
  10. --wildcards (Use Wildcards):

  • This flag is used to include or exclude files using wildcard patterns.
  • Example: tar -cvf archive.tar --wildcards '*.txt'
  1. --same-owner (Preserve Ownership):
  • This flag is used to preserve the ownership of files when extracting the archive.
  • Example: tar -xvf archive.tar --same-owner
  1. --verbose (Verbose Output):
  • This flag is used to display detailed information during the archive operation.
  • Example: tar -cvf archive.tar --verbose file1 file2

Rene can explain each flag's purpose, provide sample commands to demonstrate their usage, and highlight scenarios where each flag is commonly encountered in day-to-day RHEL sysadmin tasks. This will give the Red Hat Engineers a comprehensive understanding of the various flags available in the tar command and how they can be applied in real-world scenarios.