The 50 Most Important Linux Commands for a Linux Engineer to Internalize

  1. ls : List directory contents.
  2. cd : Change the current working directory.
  3. cat : Concatenate and display files.
  4. grep : Search for patterns in a file or output.
  5. chmod : Change file permissions.
  6. chown : Change file ownership.
  7. cp : Copy files and directories.
  8. mv : Move or rename files and directories.
  9. rm : Remove files and directories.
  10. mkdir : Create directories.
  11. rmdir : Remove empty directories.
  12. tar : Manipulate archives in various formats.
  13. df : Show disk space usage.
  14. du : Show directory space usage.
  15. ps : Show running processes.
  16. kill : Send signals to processes.
  17. ping : Test network connectivity.
  18. ifconfig : Configure and display network interfaces.
  19. ip : Show and configure network interfaces, routing, and other network settings.
  20. netstat : Display network connections, routing tables, and other network statistics.
  21. systemctl : Control the systemd system and service manager.
  22. journalctl : View and manage system logs.
  23. passwd : Change user password.
  24. su : Switch to another user account.
  25. sudo : Execute a command with root privileges.
  26. yum : Manage software packages and repositories.
  27. rpm : Manage software packages in the RPM format.
  28. ssh : Connect to a remote server over SSH.
  29. scp : Copy files securely over SSH.
  30. rsync : Synchronize files and directories between systems.
  31. curl : Transfer data from or to a server.
  32. wget : Download files from the web.
  33. tail : Display the end of a file.
  34. head : Display the beginning of a file.
  35. less : Display and navigate file contents.
  36. vi : Edit text files.
  37. nano : Edit text files.
  38. find : Search for files and directories.
  39. locate : Find files by name or pattern.
  40. history : Display command history.
  41. alias : Create command aliases.
  42. awk : Process and manipulate text data.
  43. sed : Stream editor for filtering and transforming text data.
  44. cut : Cut out sections of text data.
  45. paste : Merge lines of text data.
  46. sort : Sort lines of text data.
  47. uniq : Remove duplicate lines from text data.
  48. setfacl : Set or modify file access control lists.
  49. fdisk : Partition table manipulator for disks.
  50. mkfs : Create a new file system on a block device.

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