
Jesus is studying to be a RHEL Sysadmin. His dream is to one day work for Red Hat. He is studying virt-manager. Please generate an essay for his consumption that teaches him the following:

1.) The fundamental purpose of virt-manager.

2.) The history of virt-manager.

3.) The strengths and weaknesses of virt-manager.

4.) The best use cases for virt-manager.

5.) Several well explained examples of virt-manager commands.

An Insight into virt-manager: Guiding Jesus on His Path to Becoming a RHEL Sysadmin

1. The Fundamental Purpose of virt-manager

At its core, virt-manager, or Virtual Machine Manager, is a desktop user interface for managing virtual machines via libvirt. It essentially provides a graphical way to create, modify, run, stop, and delete virtual machines on a host. Moreover, it facilitates the management of physical and virtual resources, including storage pools, network interfaces, and snapshots. Its primary function is to serve as an interface for advanced virtualization functions provided by libvirt, offering an intuitive way for sysadmins and users to manage virtual systems without resorting to command-line tools.

2. History of virt-manager

The virt-manager project was initiated in the mid-2000s, intended as a tool for managing VMs on Linux using the Xen virtualization technology. As KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) gained prominence and became integrated into the Linux kernel, virt-manager extended its support to KVM. Over time, with the growth of libvirt as a generic virtualization API, virt-manager transitioned from being a Xen-specific tool to a more versatile and general-purpose VM management tool. It now supports various hypervisors, including KVM, Xen, LXC, and others, as long as they are compatible with libvirt.

3. Strengths and Weaknesses of virt-manager


  • Versatility: With its support for various hypervisors, it can cater to different virtualization needs.
  • Integration with libvirt: This ensures standardized management and consistent experience across different environments.
  • Graphical Interface: Beneficial for those who prefer a GUI over command-line tools.
  • Advanced Management Features: Beyond just creating and managing VMs, it supports advanced features like storage and network management, migration, and snapshots.


  • Performance Overhead: Using a GUI can be slightly less efficient than command-line tools.
  • Learning Curve: For those new to virtualization, its wide array of options can be overwhelming.
  • Limited to libvirt Backends: It cannot manage virtual machines not under libvirt.

4. Best Use Cases for virt-manager

  • Desktop Virtualization: For users needing to run multiple OSes on their workstation.
  • Development and Testing: Developers can simulate different environments and test software builds.
  • Education: Teaching virtualization concepts without needing deep command-line expertise.
  • Small-scale Deployment: In scenarios where a full-blown virtualization solution isn't required.

5. Examples of virt-manager Commands

While virt-manager is primarily a GUI, it does come with a command-line interface known as virt-install to create new VMs. Here are a few examples:

  1. Creating a new VM:

    virt-install --name=myvm --ram=1024 --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/myvm.img,size=8 --graphics none --location=/path/to/your/distribution.iso

    This command creates a new VM named "myvm", with 1GB RAM, an 8GB disk, no graphics, and installs from a provided ISO.

  2. Network Installation:

    virt-install --name=myvm --ram=512 --location=

    This installs CentOS 7 using a network mirror.

  3. Using an existing disk image:

    virt-install --name=myvm --ram=1024 --disk path=/path/to/existing.img --import

    This creates a VM from an existing disk image.

To wrap up, virt-manager offers a seamless and comprehensive way to handle virtual machines on a Linux host. While mastering it demands a bit of patience and practice, the rewards in terms of flexibility and control are immense. As Jesus embarks on his RHEL Sysadmin journey, mastering tools like virt-manager will undoubtedly prove instrumental.