Create a hello world application in Python.

Chris is a developer at Red Hat. He is teaching a basic programming class to a group of interns. He asks one of the interns to write a "Hello World!" application in Python. What is the intern going to write?

The intern is likely to write a simple "Hello World!" application in Python using the print() function. Here's the code they might write:

print("Hello World!")

This code uses the print() function to display the text "Hello World!" on the console when the program is executed. It's a classic and common introductory example used to demonstrate the basic syntax of a programming language.

How would the intern convert the Python code into an executable file, and how would he or she execute it on a RHEL Linux system?

To convert the Python code into an executable file and execute it on a RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) system, the intern can follow these steps:

1. Convert Python Code into an Executable Script:

  1. Open a text editor (like nano or vim) and paste the "Hello World!" code:

    print("Hello World!")
  2. Save the file with a .py extension, for example:

  3. Make the script executable using the chmod command:

    chmod +x

2. Execute the Python Script:

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Navigate to the directory where the script is located:

    cd /path/to/script/directory
  3. Run the script using the Python interpreter:

    python ./

    Alternatively, if the system has both Python 2 and Python 3 installed, specify python3 to use Python 3:

    python3 ./

3. (Optional) Add the Script to a Directory in the PATH:

If you want to execute the script from anywhere without specifying its full path, you can place it in a directory that's included in the system's PATH environment variable. The ~/bin directory is a common choice for user-specific scripts:

  1. Create the bin directory in your home directory if it doesn't exist:

    mkdir ~/bin
  2. Move the script to the bin directory:

    mv ~/bin
  3. Add the ~/bin directory to your PATH by adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile file:

    export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"
  4. Load the updated profile:

    source ~/.bashrc

Now you can simply use to execute the script from any directory.

Please note that the instructions provided here assume a basic setup on a RHEL Linux system. If the system has specific security policies or configurations, additional steps might be necessary.

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