Biola is a RHEL Sysadmin at Google. She wants to master DNF. Please answer the following questions for her. Please use the term "Free Software" instead of "open source". Please use the term "GNU/Linux" instead of of "Linux" unless you are referring to the Linux kernel.

  • What does the acronym DNF stand for?
  • What is DNF and what problem does it solve?
  • What is the history of DNF?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of DNF?
  • Is DNF Free Software? What license is it distrubuted under?
  • How would you install and configure DNF on a modern GNU/Linux system?
  • What is the likely future of DNF?
  • Please show and fully explain several examples of DNF commands on a modern RHEL GNU/Linux server.

1. What does the acronym DNF stand for?

DNF stands for Dandified Yum.

2. What is DNF and what problem does it solve?

DNF is the next generation package manager for RPM-based GNU/Linux distributions, primarily replacing Yum. It was developed to address several limitations of Yum, including:

  • Slower performance: DNF uses faster algorithms for metadata handling and package resolution.
  • Limited scalability: DNF can handle larger repositories and complex dependencies more efficiently.
  • Lack of modularity: DNF is designed with modularity in mind, allowing for easier development and extension through plugins.

3. What is the history of DNF?

DNF was created by Fedora developers in 2012 and initially used in Fedora 18. Since then, it has been adopted by other RPM-based distributions, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS.

4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of DNF?


  • Faster performance: DNF is significantly faster than Yum, especially for large repositories.
  • Improved scalability: DNF can handle larger and more complex dependency trees.
  • Modular design: DNF allows for easier extension through plugins.
  • Modern codebase: DNF is written in Python, making it easier to maintain and develop.


  • Less mature than Yum: DNF is still under development and may have fewer features compared to Yum.
  • Limited documentation: Compared to Yum, DNF has less documentation available.
  • Less familiar interface: DNF commands are similar to Yum but not identical, requiring some learning curve.

5. Is DNF Free Software? What license is it distributed under?

Yes, DNF is Free Software and distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.

6. How would you install and configure DNF on a modern GNU/Linux system?

DNF is typically pre-installed on modern GNU/Linux systems. If it's not, the installation process varies depending on the distribution.

Here's a general guide:

  • Package name: Check the specific package name for DNF on your distribution (e.g., dnf on Fedora, dnf-plugin-system-upgrade on RHEL).
  • Package manager: Use your existing package manager to install DNF (e.g., sudo apt install dnf on Debian-based systems, sudo yum install dnf on Fedora).
  • Configuration: No additional configuration is typically required for basic operation. However, you may need to adjust configuration files like /etc/dnf/dnf.conf for specific needs.

7. What is the likely future of DNF?

DNF is expected to remain the primary package manager for RPM-based GNU/Linux distributions for the foreseeable future. It's constantly being improved with new features and performance enhancements. As the project matures and gains more adoption, we can expect DNF to become even more powerful and user-friendly.

8. Examples of DNF commands on a modern RHEL GNU/Linux server:

Basic commands:

  • List installed packages: dnf list
  • Search for a package: dnf search <package_name>
  • Install a package: dnf install <package_name>
  • Update all installed packages: dnf update
  • Remove a package: dnf remove <package_name>

More advanced commands:

  • Show detailed information about a package: dnf info <package_name>
  • Install the latest version of a package: dnf upgrade <package_name>
  • Downgrade a package to a specific version: dnf downgrade --releasever=<version> <package_name>
  • Clean up cached package files: dnf clean all
  • Enable a repository: dnf config-manager --set-enabled <repository_name>
  • Disable a repository: dnf config-manager --set-disabled <repository_name>
  • List available modules: dnf module list
  • Install a module: dnf module install <module_name>
  • Enable a module: dnf module enable <module_name>
  • Disable a module: dnf module disable <module_name>

Note: Always use sudo before DNF commands to execute them with administrator privileges.

These are just a few examples of the many DNF commands available. For a complete list and detailed information on each command, refer to the official DNF documentation: [URL

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