Objectives 2

Given the full list of 64 LFCS exam objectives, what are the 10 things that a prospective RHEL-based LFCS exam taker should have mastered? Please give sample commands.

Sure, here are 10 things that a prospective RHEL-based LFCS exam taker should have mastered:

  1. Creating, deleting, copying, and moving files and directories:

    • Creating a directory: mkdir directory_name
    • Copying a file: cp file1 file2
    • Moving a file: mv file1 file2
    • Deleting a file: rm file
  2. Using regular expressions to analyze text:

    • Searching for a string: grep string filename
    • Replacing a string: sed 's/string/replacement/g' filename
  3. Managing access to the root account:

    • Adding a user to the sudoers file: visudo
    • Creating a new user: useradd username
    • Granting sudo privileges to a user: usermod -aG wheel username
  4. Diagnosing and managing processes:

    • Listing running processes: ps aux
    • Killing a process: kill PID
    • Monitoring system resources: top
  5. Configuring networking and hostname resolution:

    • Setting a static IP address: nmcli con mod eth0 ipv4.addresses "IP_ADDRESS"
    • Configuring hostname: hostnamectl set-hostname hostname
  6. Configuring an HTTP server:

    • Installing Apache web server: sudo yum install httpd
    • Starting Apache web server: sudo systemctl start httpd
    • Configuring Apache web server: sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  7. Managing and configuring containers:

    • Installing Docker: sudo yum install docker
    • Starting Docker: sudo systemctl start docker
    • Pulling a Docker image: sudo docker pull image_name
  8. Managing and configuring virtual machines:

    • Installing KVM: sudo yum install qemu-kvm
    • Creating a new virtual machine: virt-install --name vm_name --ram 2048 --disk size=20 --vcpus 2 --cdrom /path/to/iso --graphics vnc
  9. Configuring and managing LVM storage:

    • Creating a physical volume: sudo pvcreate /dev/sdb
    • Creating a volume group: sudo vgcreate vg_name /dev/sdb
    • Creating a logical volume: sudo lvcreate -n lv_name -L 10G vg_name
  10. Managing and configuring file systems:

    • Creating a new file system: sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
    • Mounting a file system: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
    • Adding an entry to /etc/fstab to mount a file system automatically at boot: /dev/sdb1 /mnt ext4 defaults 0 0

These are just a few examples of the commands and techniques that a prospective RHEL-based LFCS exam taker should have mastered. It's important to note that the exam objectives cover a wide range of topics, and the best way to prepare is to review the objectives thoroughly and practice using the relevant commands and techniques in a lab environment.

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