
Luis wants to replace every occurence of the word "red" with the word "blue" in list.txt and save the result in list2.txt. Please show the commands that he'll run.

Here are the commands that Luis can use to replace every occurrence of the word "red" with the word "blue" in list.txt and save the result in list2.txt:

sed 's/red/blue/g' list.txt > list2.txt

Here's what each part of the command does:

  • sed is a command-line tool that can be used to perform text substitutions and other text manipulations.
  • 's/red/blue/g' is a sed expression that replaces every occurrence of "red" with "blue". The s stands for "substitute", and the g at the end stands for "global", which means that sed will replace all occurrences of "red" on each line of the file.
  • list.txt is the name of the input file that Luis wants to modify.
  • > list2.txt redirects the output of the sed command to a new file called list2.txt.

When Luis runs this command, sed will read the contents of list.txt, replace every occurrence of "red" with "blue", and write the modified output to list2.txt. He can then review list2.txt to ensure that the substitutions were performed correctly.

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