
Zavier failed his RHEL-based LFCS exam because he was very slow performing tasks in vim. What should he have memorized about vim to speed up his performance of vim tasks so that he can pass the next time?

Here are some tips and commands that Zavier can use to improve his performance with vim:

  1. Familiarize yourself with vim modes: Vim has two main modes - normal mode and insert mode. Normal mode is used for navigating and performing operations, while insert mode is used for inserting and editing text. Zavier should practice switching between these modes quickly to improve his speed.

  2. Use keyboard shortcuts: Vim has many keyboard shortcuts that can help you perform common tasks quickly. For example, to save a file and exit vim, Zavier can use the command :wq in normal mode. To save a file without exiting vim, he can use the command :w.

  3. Use search and replace: Vim has powerful search and replace capabilities that can help Zavier quickly make changes to a file. For example, he can use the command :%s/search/replace/g to replace all instances of "search" with "replace" in the entire file.

  4. Use macros: Vim macros allow Zavier to record a sequence of commands and replay them later. He can use macros to perform repetitive tasks quickly. To record a macro, he can use the command q<register> where <register> is the register where he wants to store the macro.

  5. Use split windows: Vim allows Zavier to split the screen into multiple windows, which can be useful for editing multiple files or comparing different parts of the same file. To split the screen horizontally, he can use the command :sp in normal mode, and to split the screen vertically, he can use the command :vsp.

  6. Use tabs: Vim also allows Zavier to work with multiple files in separate tabs. He can use the command :tabnew <filename> to open a new tab with the specified file, and he can switch between tabs using the command gt.

  7. Practice: Finally, the best way to improve your speed with vim is to practice using it regularly. Zavier should try to use vim as much as possible for his everyday text editing tasks, and he should experiment with different commands and techniques to find what works best for him.

These are just a few tips and commands that Zavier can use to improve his performance with vim. It's important to note that becoming proficient with vim takes time and practice, so he should be patient and persistent in his efforts to improve.

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