Blockchain main.cpp in C++

Jorge is a blockchain developer at the Linux Foundation. He has recently accepted a full-time training position at the Linux Foundation. His first assignment is to train a class of 24 blockchain developers. He is going to teach the class how to write blockchain source code in C++. He is going to create a hypothetical blockchain called genericcoin. Genericcoin has a suppply limit of 21 million coins, a block time of 10 minutes, and it's generation rate is halved every 4 years. Please generate main.cpp for genericcoin. Please make sure that the main.cpp file is well commented, and easy for junior developers to understand.

Certainly! Below is a well-commented main.cpp file for the hypothetical blockchain called "genericcoin" that you described. The comments explain the purpose and functionality of each section of the code to make it easier for junior developers to understand.

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
// Define constants for the blockchain parameters
// Total supply limit of genericcoin
const int SUPPLY_LIMIT = 21'000'000;
// Block time in seconds (10 minutes)
const int BLOCK_TIME = 10 * 60
// Halving interval in seconds (4 years)
const int HALVING_INTERVAL = 4 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
// Blockchain class
class Blockchain {
   int currentSupply; // Current supply of genericcoin
   time_t genesisTime; // Genesis block creation time
   // Constructor
   Blockchain() {
      currentSupply = 0;
      genesisTime = std::time(0);
   // Function to calculate the reward for mining a block at the given height    int calculateBlockReward(int blockHeight) {
      // Calculate number of halvings that occurred until this block height    
        int numHalvings = blockHeight / (HALVING_INTERVAL / BLOCK_TIME);
// Calculate the initial reward and halve it for each halving interval
int reward = SUPPLY_LIMIT;
for (int i = 0; i < numHalvings; i++) {
reward /= 2;
return reward; }
// Function to mine a block at the given height void mineBlock(int blockHeight) {
int reward = calculateBlockReward(blockHeight); // Update the current supply and display information about the mined block
currentSupply += reward;
std::cout << "Mined block #" << blockHeight << " with reward: " << reward << " coins\n";
std::cout << "Current supply: " << currentSupply << "/" << SUPPLY_LIMIT << " coins\n"; }
// Entry point of the program
int main() {
Blockchain genericcoin; // Mine blocks and demonstrate the halving reward for (int blockHeight = 1; blockHeight <= 10; blockHeight++) { genericcoin.mineBlock(blockHeight);
return 0;

The above code implements a basic blockchain class called Blockchain, which tracks the current supply of genericcoin and the genesis time. It provides two member functions: calculateBlockReward and mineBlock.

The calculateBlockReward function calculates the block reward based on the block height. It determines the number of halvings that occurred until the given block height and uses that information to calculate the reward by halving the initial supply limit.

The mineBlock function mines a block at the given height by calling calculateBlockReward and updating the current supply accordingly. It also displays information about the mined block, including the block height, reward, and the current supply.

In the main function, an instance of the Blockchain class called genericcoin is created. Then, a loop is used to mine ten blocks and demonstrate the halving reward. Each block's height is passed to the mineBlock function to initiate the mining process.

Feel free to modify or enhance the code as per your requirements.

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