Access remote systems using SSH

Context: RHCSA certification

Access remote systems using SSH

In the context of the RHCSA (Red Hat Certified System Administrator) certification, SSH (Secure Shell) is a widely used protocol for securely accessing and managing remote systems. Here are the steps to access remote systems using SSH:

  1. Open a Terminal: Start a terminal session on your local system. This can be done using the terminal application or command prompt, depending on your operating system.

  2. Connect via SSH: Use the ssh command followed by the username and IP address (or hostname) of the remote system you want to access. For example:

    ssh username@

    Replace username with the actual username on the remote system, and with the IP address or hostname of the remote system.

    Note: If you're using a non-standard SSH port (not the default port 22), you can specify it using the -p option:

    ssh -p port_number username@
  3. Authentication: After running the ssh command, you'll be prompted to enter the password for the specified username on the remote system. Enter the password securely (no characters will be displayed as you type).

    Alternatively, you can use SSH key-based authentication, which is more secure and convenient. This involves generating a public-private key pair and adding the public key to the remote system's authorized keys file. Once set up, you can connect without entering a password.

  4. Remote System Access: After successful authentication, you'll be connected to the remote system via SSH. You can now execute commands and perform administrative tasks on the remote system as if you were physically present.

    If you need to transfer files between the local and remote systems, you can use tools like scp (Secure Copy) or sftp (Secure FTP) over SSH.

  5. Disconnect: To disconnect from the remote system, type exit or logout in the SSH session's terminal.

Remember to ensure that you have proper authorization to access the remote systems, and always follow security best practices when working with SSH, such as using strong passwords or key-based authentication, disabling root login, and keeping SSH software up to date.

These steps should help you access remote systems using SSH for your RHCSA certification preparation.

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