IT Training (GNU/Linux, Kubernetes, Cloud, Blockchain, Programming and more).

Be the Light and Empower People with Goodness.


In relation to GNU/Linux, what is STIG? STIG, in the context of GNU/Linux, refers to the Security Technical Implementation Guide. It is a…

ls command

Derek is a Professor of Computer Science at American Sentinel University. He is going to teach a class on the GNU/Linux ls command.


Andrea is studying for an entry-level GNU/Linux Sysdamin certification, and she needs to master the grep command. Please use the term "Free Software"…


Greta is a RHEL Sysadmin at Red Hat. She keeps hearing about Synology, but she doesn't know what it is. Please use the…

Active Directory

Rakim is a GNU/Linux RHEL Sysadmin who works for a large Fortune 500 company. He has been promoted to a new position where…

Ansible automation

Reginald has just been hired as an IT Supervisor at Red Hat. He is going to give training on Ansible automation to class…