IT Training (GNU/Linux, Kubernetes, Cloud, Blockchain, Programming and more).

Be the Light and Empower People with Goodness.


Biola is studying for her interview at Red Hat: she is interviewing for an open GNU/Linux Security Engineer position. She is an expert…

uname and uname -r

Segun is studying hard to become a future RHEL Sysadmin. Today, he wants to master the uname command. Please teach him the following:…


Arnelle is RHEL Engineer at Google who wants to master Podman. Please generate an essay to help him to prepare that includes the…


Reginald is RHEL Engineer at Red Hat who wants to master Docker. Please generate an essay to help him to prepare that includes…

Free Software

Please tell me the entire history of Free Software while aswering the following questions: 1.) What is Free Software? 2.) What problems does…